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Omø's beautiful nature invites you to go for walks, where you can experience everything the island has to offer in terms of different nature on its route. 

Below you will find three different suggestions for hiking routes - both of different lengths and different nature experiences on the island. 



4 kilometers

This route is approximately four kilometers long. Here you go from the harbor over the island's highest point - Skovbanken - past the island's most beautiful beach, Draget. You end up in Omø City, where you can see the many old half-timbered houses and the street love.


5 kilometers

This route is approximately five kilometers long. You start in the harbour, go up to Omø City, where you can see the old farms. After the town you come through the bog. You end up at one of the island's finest trademarks - the lighthouse.



10 kilometers

This trip is approximately 10 kilometers long, and on the way you get to see a lot of Omø's beautiful nature.

You start at the harbor and go out to Revspidsen and continue along the coast towards the high cliffs at Skovklinten. The trip continues along Draget beach and all the way out to the island's southernmost point - Ørespidsen.

Blå rute – Omønoen

13 kilometer

En spændende tur langs kysten rundt om Omø

med Storebælt mod vest og Smålandshavet mod øst.

Meget varieret natur med strande, klinter, marker, stenvolde, forskellig vegetation, dyr og fugle.

Følg til sidst vejen op over Skovbanken mod øens højeste punkt 23 meter over havet og nyd den flotte udsigt hele øen rundt.
13 km – 5 timer – svær – vandre.


Klint nordkyst Omø 2 (003).JPG


10 kilometers

This trip is approximately 10 kilometers long, and on the way you get to see a lot of Omø's beautiful nature.

You start at the harbor and go out to Revspidsen and continue along the coast towards the high cliffs at Skovklinten. The trip continues along Draget beach and all the way out to the island's southernmost point - Ørespidsen.

Lilla rute - Fra spids til spids

9 kilometer

Du oplever en tur på højderyggen af Omø
fra nordspids til sydspids
op over øens højeste punkt på 23 meter over havet
med flot udsigt hele øen rundt.
Turen går også gennem Omø By – den gamle bondelandsby med charmerende gårde, skole, forsamlingshus
– og videre forbi Omø Kirke fra 1828. (kirken er åben).
9 km – 4 timer – let – vandre, cykle.



Here you can find the island's tourist brochure,

where the three popular walking routes

is signed in so you can

form an overview on a map. 


If you are particularly interested in the geology of Omø, many years ago a hiking route was created with a particular focus on just that.

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