If you are interested in birds, then Omø is definitely worth a visit. Omø has a rich and varied birdlife, which is linked to them
just as varied biotopes found on Omø.
Omø's own amateur ornithologist and authorized ringer Poul Erik Hansen here identifies some good bird locations:
Omø Lakehas an open body of water all year round with kelp vegetation and meadow areas, which are particularly significant towards the harbor in the north and extend a little along Revvej and in what we call Maden.
The mosslies as a partially flooded salt meadow area facing Omø Lighthouse in the west - an area of almost 75 hectares.
Lillemosen: 100 meters from the northern end of the Mosen in a north-easterly direction is Lillemosen, a small water hole with a relatively deep water depth. The hole is surrounded by willow thickets and got its current appearance by digging up peat back in the 1920s. In addition to Lillemosen, there are 4 other and smaller lakes around Omø, all of which are overgrown with roof pipes and willow thickets.
Along the coastin several places there are important biotopes with thickets of various trees and shrubs, just as the high slopes to the east and south have over time been of great importance to several breeding bird species.
The cultural landscapewith appropriate variation between farmland and urban development. Kirkehavn and Omø City are both excellent habitats for many small bird species, just as the summer house area in the south is a particularly bird-rich area.
The oceanis not the island's biotope as such, but for birdwatchers it is exciting to search the sea for seabirds. No matter where you are on Omø, you can always see the sea. Whether you are interested in birds or not, you quickly sense that the sound, the belt and the waters of Småland are what give Omø its soul.
Some of the birds you can see on Omø are mentioned below, i.a. in Mosen:
During migration, large flocks of ducks and waders stay in the marsh if there is a high water level. The harrier forages throughout the month of July, and later there is ample opportunity to see all the different birds of prey that pass Omø on their way south.
Pipe room
You have to be very lucky to see the reed drum when the tawny bird flies over the reed forest, but if the reed drum is difficult to see, there is ample opportunity to hear the reed drum. In March and April you can hear the voice of the reed drum, which sounds like blowing into an empty bottle. The sound can be heard up to a kilometer away. The pipe room is best heard early in the morning or at dusk, but the voice can also be heard during the day and throughout the night.
Grey-throated Grebe
The grey-throated loon requires shallow lakes where it feeds on aquatic insects and small fish. Part of the food is collected at sea, so there is an opportunity to see the bird when it flies between the marsh and the sea. In the springtime, the grey-throated loon, which has a beautiful red breast, is easy to see as it swims around the shallow lakes. Its voice is also easy to recognize. Its Latin name means "the one with the pig's squeal", and it is easy to hear throughout the spring season.
the lapwing
The vulture breeds quite numerously in the bog, and you can enjoy seeing the vultures tumbling around in the air above the bog in springtime, and in the autumn large flocks of vultures often stay in the marsh, which is an important foraging site for waders and ducks.
The redshank breeds almost as numerously as the viper in the Omø marsh, but its grey-brown color makes it less conspicuous. But its care for the young makes it warn already from a long distance, so that the young can hide in the grass. Often you see the robin standing on a fence post, where you can see its red legs.
The gray goose
The greylag goose is the bog's largest breeding bird. The greylag goose immigrated to the bog as a breeding bird in the 1970s, and now there is a good population of greylag geese. In the past, the gray geese migrated to Spain in the winter, but now many gray geese winter in Denmark. In addition to the marsh's breeding birds, flocks of non-breeding greylag geese can be seen in the marsh or in the nearby fields. At the end of summer you can see flocks of greylag geese numbering several hundred.
The duck
The mallard is a numerous breeding bird in Omø bog. In the spring, the males are seen flying around in small flocks and hunting the females. With the brightly colored costume and the large spoon-shaped bill, the skunk is easy to recognize from the other ducks.
The mallard is a newly immigrated breeding bird that is easily overlooked because it looks a lot like the mallard, but the mallard can be recognized by its white wing mirror. April is the month when the mallard and the other ducks are easiest to spot. At that time the vegetation is not so high and the mallards fly around a lot in their search to find a female.
In September, when the raptor migration starts, comebuzzard,sparkles,sparrow hawk,wasp wakerandOspreysin droves, just as in 2012 we had a visit from the famous bald eagleTonne, and in April fliesthe cranesover Omø on the way to Sweden. Occasionally a sea eagle or two also pass over Omø, but here you have to be quick, because it only takes a sea eagle 4 seconds to pass by Omø.