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Omø Vandværk AMBA is a cooperative that was established in 1964. The waterworks supplies water to
approx. 300 members in Omø. The water is collected from 4 boreholes, all located on the southern part of
Ome. The waterworks has permission to pump up 20,000 m3 annually.

In March 2022, Slagelse Municipality adopted an action plan to protect the groundwater on the island. The
areas from which Omø Vandværk obtains its water are kept free of conventional agriculture in the future.

On this website you can find useful information about who to contact in case of
water games, questions about consumption and accounting, articles of association, general meeting minutes, rate sheets,
results of the water tests carried out by Omø Vandværk and much more.

There is also a nice little folder that tells aboutOmø Waterworks.


If you as a consumer experience somethingabnormal in the water supply- lack of water pressure, broken line, water spillage and the like - 

you should contact:

Water works manager: Allan Rasmussen tel.: 3097 9169,



Contact regarding administration, consumption and accounting:

Dorthe Winther, tel. 6170 5249, email:


Questions to the board can be addressed to:

Chairman of the board: Gitte Lunding, email:


The waterworks also has a contingency plan, which the board members must follow in the event of water pollution or the like.

Omø Waterworks Contingency Plan


It is basically possible to get a waiver for water wastage.

 However, there are several conditions that must be met:


It must be a private residence

It must be a hidden leak, and it must be documented that the damage has been repaired by a plumbing company (a toilet that runs is therefore not covered)

A deductible of 300 m3 must be paid plus the consumer's annual normal consumption (found as an average of the last 3 years' consumption)

Ledningsbruddet skal ikke kunne tilregnes forbrugeren som forsætligt eller groft uagtsomt, og der skal være udøvet rimelige foranstaltninger for at stoppe ledningsbruddet. Man kan finde et ansøgningsskema om eftergivelse af vandforbrug her Vandværket skal herefter tage stilling til om betingelserne for at få eftergivet afgiften er opfyldt og udfylde skemaet som dokumentation til SKAT. Vandværket skal blandt andet skrive under på, at det er vi er enige i, at der er tale om en skjult lækage, og at forbrugeren er uden skyld i vandspildet. Når det er gjort, er Omø Vandværk forpligtet til at eftergive vores andel af udgifterne. Efterprøvelse af vandmåler: Såfremt forbrugeren ønsker at få efterprøvet vandmåleren, betales således: - Hvis der er noget i vejen med måleren, betaler Omø Vandværk udgiften til afprøvningen - Hvis der ikke er noget i vejen med måleren, betaler forbrugeren udgiften til afprøvningen



Here you will find the latest tariff sheets:

Tariff sheet 2022

Tariff sheet 2023

Find previous rate sheets, minutes and budgets here:



Get an overview of what you as a consumer are responsible for and what the waterworks is responsible for. 



As it is apparent from denne planche, the water utility is responsible for the pipeline network up to the point. If your water meter is broken, it is of course up to the water meter.


If your water meter is further inside your property, you are responsible from your boundary to your water supply in the house. However, the water meter is always the property of the waterworks.

 See liability in connection with the water meter here

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